Facilities improvements continue with the repavement of Jesse Stone repairing sinkholes caused by an old drainage system almost complete, erosion stabilization begins to combat soil erosion.
The Stone project will be complete as soon as a special steel catch basin is installed that is currently on order.
“We are hoping it will be installed by the middle of next week. There will be no work to the strip (E.C. Harrison), the problem that caused the closure was concerning a underground infrastructure issue pertaining to the storm drainage system installed in the 1940’s,” Eli Guillory, executive director for facilities services said.
Students may recall the strip being closed during the Stone repair project, due to a failure in the drainage system, that has been corrected and no projects to revitalize or repair E.C. Harrison are underway this semester.
The only reason another portion of campus would be closed due to the drainage system would be in the event of a failure; Guillory doesn’t expect that to occur.
Amid the last step of the Stone to complete, the Army Corps of Engineers will be executing an erosion stabilization project.
Guillory estimated the rate at which the land is eroding and rated it a four out of 10, one being the least fast and 10 being the most.
“The Army Corp of Engineers is working to install storm drain pipes attached to the existing piping, extending the pipe 150 feet to stabilize the soil erosion occurring,” Guillory said.
Students, faculty and staff should not expect any street closures with this project as it is estimated to continue for two to three months.
Facilities improvements continued over the winter break and will be continuous throughout the semester.
“We are working on a number of projects. Students can look forward to the renovations in Lee Hall. We have installed new fume hoods in Chemistry labs and are finalizing the high tech classroom at Lee Hall,” Guillory said.
Facilities has installed new furniture in James Hall rooms 142 and 143 and renovated 106 in Fisher Hall with new fixed seating and flooring.
“This semester we are working to complete ADA (American Disability Act) compliant restrooms in T.T. Allain on all three floors,” Guillory said.
Most of the facilities projects expected this semester will be maintenance based projects.
“We have a lot of maintenance projects underway including continuing the installation of LED (Light emitting diode) lighting across campus,” Guillory said.
Stone almost complete; erosion stabilization project is underway
February 5, 2013
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