Dr Frank Jones III an author, father, and a therapist held a book signing “ Erasing dangerous fault lines: From victor to victim,” on February 27 at the John B Cade library to share his guidance as a preacher and to explain the meaning of his book to students. This book goes into details about situations that Bible verses can help people get through such as hurt, betrayal, or deception within relationships. Dr. Jones freely shared his knowledge and experiences as a therapist and preacher, giving the students the opportunity to engage with him. In order to get helpful guidance on overcoming their own obstacles in life, especially in their interpersonal interactions, attendees were invited to ask questions. He urged young men and women to use discernment when selecting partners and to be cautious about who they allow into their lives.
Dr Frank Jones III stated, “I want you to realize that you are not just a good woman, you’re a great woman and only a great man is going to increase your value. So stop allowing these jokers to define who you are, and make sure you guard your heart. Your heart is valuable. It’s very valuable, and who you hang around, they’re gonna pour into you, and when they walk away, they’re still gonna leave lasting deposits in your life. So make sure that you choose wisely.”
Dr. Frank stresses how crucial it is to recognize the difference between red flags and fault lines in interpersonal interactions and personal growth. Deeper, underlying problems or trends that can point to a persistent conflict or basic incompatibility are referred to as fault lines.
Conversely, red flags are cautionary tales or signals of potentially dangerous activity that must not be disregarded.
Jones affirmed, “ They can be perceived as the same thing, but they’re definitely not. When you get that check in your spirit, you know, about somebody or something, you know, that red flag, God would never be held accountable for you not obeying him, it’s his job to expose, but all the signs were there, but they ignored the signs because they say I love them”.
Dr Frank shares His biggest challenge when writing his book, “And when you consider your book to be a mandate and you know that you have a message an urgent message from God, then you make sure that you allow yourself time, shut that phone off, turn the television off, all of those things, and stay there because writing is inspired. The Bible isn’t an inspired book, but God tells you to be still and know that I’m God.”
In addition to creating opportunities for thought-provoking conversations, the book signing gave kids life lessons they might use. Everyone who attended found great resonance in Dr. Frank Jones III’s dedication to assisting others in navigating their emotional landscapes, which motivated them to start their own journeys from victimization to empowerment.