Involvement through organizations is one of the many obtainable resources Southern University offers. The campus has over 84 to a little over 100 organizations active. Sometimes, it is easy to overlook organizations that don’t have as much of a large presence on campus. NMDP or more widely recognized as the National Marrow Donor Program has a relatively smaller presence on campus but a very global influence and impact.
NMDP is a chapter on campus committed to finding cures and saving lives through advancing cellular therapy. Every Tuesday and Thursday, NMDP is set up in the Union to encourage students to sign up on the registry and test their blood to see if they are able to donate blood marrow to patients with cancer, sickle cell, or other disorders.
Cierra Golston, a junior majoring in Nursing and also a member of the e-board for NMDP encourages new membership in support of a positive message. Cierra was asked “Why is this specific cause so near and dear to you?” To which she responded, “because I have sickle-cell- and to think you can help others that are suffering from the same challenges.” As a sickle-cell warrior herself, it is inspiring the effort Cierra maintains to stay as active as she is in NMDP.
Cierra also went on to talk about a challenge the chapter regularly faces which is a lack of donors, specifically black people. She stated, “Only black people can donate to black people, and only 2 % of the registry is black.”
Many people day-to-day struggle with little to no hope suffering from a disease, to even think you could change someone’s life for the better just by being aware of what’s happening on your campus is fulfilling. If helping this cause is as simple as getting swabbed to see if you can donate, then that should motivate everyone to do what they can where they can.
Brianna Freeman, a junior and president of NMDP at Southern was asked, “What direct change do you hope to produce on campus through being a part of NMDP?” She responded, “I hope to bring education and awareness to our campus. Not a lot of students are aware that we do this for patients with cellular diseases such as sickle cell! I hope we can continue to grow and educate more students.”
NMDP is not only expanding opportunities for the advancement of cellular therapy, but also providing benefits for students. NMDP is helping expand professional skills by communication, leadership, event planning, networking, and more. NMDP also allows students not only the opportunity of recognition but additionally verified volunteer hours.
NMDP is overall truly forcing positive change. The more you are educated, the more transformation can occur. Students can be positive vessels for change just by getting involved, NMDP is a great way to start ! For more information, follow @nmdp.subr !