LastFriday, during their “Bayou Classic Session,” the Southern University Board ofSupervisors unanimously nominated Johnny Anderson (Baton Rouge) as their newchairman and Myron Lawson (Alexandria) as their new vice chairman.
It’sfunny, but since this summer, the scuttlebutt and rumor mill had dictated thatTony Clayton (Baton Rouge) would be chairman, though Lea Polk (New Orleans)would give him a run for the position. But as those in attendance sat andlistened to Clayton concede to Anderson, I couldn’t help but chuckle to myselfand be amazed at the ever-turning wheels of Southern University and Louisianapolitics. All I have is one question: How can I be down with the governor?
Speakingof the board meeting, one of the issues that came up was Southern Universityfootball head coach Pete Richardson’s contract. It is really disheartening thatSouthern had to lose this game. There was just so much at stake. Now, wheredoes the loss put Richardson as far as negotiations are concerned? Everyoneknows that he is (well, his lawyers are) in talks with university and systemofficials about the terms of his contract.
SinceClayton and some of his pals on the board feel Southern should not publishdetails about his contract negotiations, let me just remind them of a fewthings: Richardson has done things as a coach that other Division I-AA coach –black or white — could never do. His overall winning percentages are stillimpressive and remember that we have players training in double-wide trailersand all outdoors. Still, he’s managed to keep his record above par and get someof those players through college.
Furthermore,speaking of contracts, what’s in the cards for Floyd Kerr, Southern’s athleticdirector? It was only a few monthsago when Anderson voiced his disapproval of Kerr and now that Anderson ischairman of the Board, are his sentiments still the same?
While Iam on athletics, WHERE IS THE MONEY FROM THE BAYOU CLASSIC GOING? I already know that Southern andGrambling State’s football programs receive over $185, 000 from the game, but Iwant to know where is the money from the sold out Greek Shows, the state (ifany), and other contributions. Please don’t tell me that the money is shiftedaround so that more wooden monkeys could be bought for an African-Americanmuseum that’s on a campus that doesn’t have an African-American curriculum.
Anotherquestion: What’s going to happen to the rest of the Board? It’s rumored thatchanges are going to come and at least five people could be replaced. As amatter of fact, a special meeting in December was requested to attack what someof the Board calls “unfinished business,” but I feel that it’s just an excuseto hold on to whatever power they may feel they have before the changing of theguards occur.
Now withthe changing of the guards, does this mean that the tides of change will rollin for our dear President, Dr. Leon Tarver? If so, who will be the System’s helmsman: Dr. RalphSlaughter or U.S. Congressman William Jefferson? Can I be president?
One thingis for sure, changes occur at every Bayou Classic. The Bayou Classic brings outour athletic side, intellectual side and our scared side. Scared straight aboutour future at Southern — or if we individually have one at all.
Just waitand see whose future was affected at the next Bayou Classic.