The children of Delmont Elementary School’s after-school program enjoyed the company of Southern University’s Student Government Association on Sept 22.
The SGA was conducting their community service project SPEARS (Students Promoting Education and Achievement for Reading) which was the vision of Jayson Dogan and Jasmine McNight, SGA activities coordinators, and Chanel Lemelle, former SGA activities coordinator.
“We felt we needed to do more than just clean up our school,” said Arthur Monroe, SGA president. “We wanted to do something to help our community.
They (children) are the future of Southern University.”
SGA members had high expectations for the community service project at the Baton Rouge elementary school.
“I expect to be able to make a difference in the young children’s lives,” said Brittany Bass, freshman class vice president. “I expect to give the attention that they may not get at home. I plan to help them understand their homework and to put a smile on there face.”
Though SGA may have just been there to converse with the children and help them with their homework, some members saw the experience as much more.
“I think we served as a medium between their parents and them,” said Jayson Dogan, SGA activities coordinator. “This has been an eye opener. It makes you aware of what Louisiana is not doing with their money. They could do so much more if they wanted to. A lot of these kids are severely misunderstood.”
Overall, the SGA and the children at Delmont enjoyed their time together.
“I think the day went great,” Monroe said. “We had a great time.”