Three Southern University male students were charged by the Southern University Police Department for the alleged simple rape of a 17-year-old freshman female.
The three freshmen, Eric Gordon Pait Jr., 17, of Houston; Justin Fontenot, 19, of Mandeville; and Travis Washington, 19, of Rialto, Calif., were arraigned at the 19th Judicial District Court in Baton Rouge after being arrested and booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison.
A $5,000.00 bail has been posted for each of the three males and they have been released from police custody.
Affidavits obtained from the Criminal Records Department of the East Baton Rouge Parish Clerk of Court’s Office include a report filed on Sept. 14 by SUPD Officer Byron Cage that shows probable cause for their arrests.
According to Cage’s synopsis, the alleged victim stated that she was in a suite on the sixth floor of J.S. Jones residence hall on the night of Sunday, Sept. 12 when she was repeatedly asked by the men to remove her clothing. After she refused, she was given alcohol and became dizzy, shortly afterwards Pait, Fontenot and Washington allegedly performed sex with her against her will.
After she later reported the incident on the afternoon of Sept. 13, she was taken to a local hospital where a rape kit was administered for forensic evidence.
SUPD Chief Dale Flowers said that after police officers went to Jones Hall to question the men later that evening, Fontenot came to police headquarters shortly afterwards.
“He knew we were looking for him, so he came forward,” Flowers said.
He said that the other two were apprehended shortly after Fontenot came forward and the three were arrested the following morning.
Flowers said that although the three men have been charged, the investigation is currently ongoing because there are two other men who may have participated or have knowledge of the incident. He said that police authorities are currently seeking two black males who are known only by the names “Paris” and “John.”
The affidavit also states that Pait, Fontenot and Washington admitted to having consensual sex with the victim. Flowers said that the three were charged with simple rape in accordance with Louisiana Criminal Code R.S.14:43. The statute states that simple rape is “…a rape committed when the anal, oral, or vaginal sexual intercourse is deemed to be without the lawful consent of a victim because it is committed under any one or more of the following circumstances: …When the victim is incapable of resisting or of understanding the nature of the act by reason of a stupor or abnormal condition of mind produced by an intoxicating agent or any cause and the offender knew or should have known of the victim’s incapacity…”
In response to the incident, SUBR Chancellor Edward R. Jackson said that he was appalled at the incident.
“We are going to continue to investigate this matter until we are able to ascertain the truth,” Jackson said.
Since 2001, this is the third reported incident of sexual assault on campus. However, Flowers said that SUPD has taken measures in keeping women safe on campus. Last month, campus police held a seminar promoting women’s safety, but attendance was at a minimum. Information on safety awareness is available at, the police department’s Web site and pamphlets that inform female students how to keep safe on campus are visibly located in the lobby of the police headquarters. He said that the police department goes through such measures to try to avert such incidents.
“We try to instill in the students ways to be cautious on campus,” he said. “We do this as a preventive measure.”
Jackson, along with West Baton Rouge Parish Special Prosecutor Tony Clayton, will spearhead a mandatory assembly for the occupants of Jones and Alice Boley residence halls on Thursday, Sept. 23. Female residents will meet at 6 p.m. and male residents will meet with Jackson and Clayton at approximately 7:15 p.m.
One issue that will be approached is visitation. Current campus visitation policies dictate that freshmen who have not earned 15 credit hours cannot participate in visitation. Each resident is held accountable for the appropriate behavior of themselves and their guests. Additionally, no sexual activities or alcohol is permitted.
“This should never have happened,” Jackson said. “And if we are able, we are going to make certain that it never happens again.”