There are three candidates running for Louisiana District 6 House of Representatives on Nov 2. The Sixth Congressional District, located in southeast Louisiana, consists of East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, Iberville, East Feliciana, West Feliciana, St. Helena, Livingston, and portions of Ascension and Pointe Coupee parishes.
Richard Baker has been congressman for the 6th district for 18 years. While in office as a member of Congress, Baker has maintained his position as a member of the Veterans Committee, making sure America makes good on its promise to those who have given service, and on the Transportation Committee, where he fights to bring a fair share of his constituents’ tax dollars home to fuel economic development and address vital traffic and infrastructure needs.
Baker has solidified a record as a solid conservative lawmaker. Within the last year based on the results of a questionnaire the Gun Owners of America assigned Representative Baker a grade of A- (with grades ranging from a high of A+ to a low of F-).
On the votes that the Center for Security Policy considered to be the most important in 2002, Representative Baker voted their preferred position 88 percent of the time.
On the votes that the National Right to Life Committee considered to be the most important in the first half of the 108th Congress, Representative Baker voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.
There are two Democratic candidates vying for Baker’s position.
Rufus Holt Craig who is a graduate of Southern University School of Law, 1984 is running for Louisiana District 6 House of Representatives representing the Democratic Party.
Edward Anthony Scott Galmon, a native of New Orleans and a graduate of Southern University New Orleans is also running for the Louisiana District 6 House of Representatives representing the Democratic Party.
“When I started thinking about it, we have an 18 year incumbent republican who’s the congressmen for the district,” Craig said. ” When they reapportioned the Congressional districts in 2000 he became basically unbeatable. So the Democratic Party said we’re not even going to run anybody cause we can’t beat them. I was so flabbergasted by that. I said if we don’t run anybody, we for sure won’t win. I would rather try and lose then not try at all. So I decided I would at least give the democrats a voice than to be completely silent.”
Craig feels Louisiana deserves a balanced budget, term limits, fair taxes and dedication to Louisiana. If elected he plans to strive to make available quality educational opportunities for all of our children.
He will protect and restore Louisiana’s coastal marshes, and will institute environmental protection measures to ensure a clean and healthy Louisiana for our future. He plans to always protect and promote the long-term economic growth and social stability for all citizens of the 6th District.
Galmon’s reason for running is to aim to make a difference.
“The willingness to see fairness done. I want to be in the position to make a difference,” Galmon said. “You can’t have the luxury of sitting aside and hoping someone else does it for you.”
Galmon feels every person deserves quality and affordable health care. A sensible national health care program supports health education, early diagnostics and intervention, and universal health insurance at affordable rates, including major medical care. If elected no longer will senior citizens have to decide between the purchase of medication or groceries, an intolerable condition.
Both candidates view education as a top priority.
“Education is the single most important thing we can get from our government,” Craig said.
Galmon plans to put children and education first.
“We have to put money in the classroom in order to address where students are trying to go in a serious way. As a parent you want to see a future for your children.”