Southern University and Agriculturaland Mechanical College has added its entire name and motto in blue and goldalongside of T.T. Alain on the containment wall dividing the ravine and JessieStone Dr., this is a part of the SU campus beautification project.
“This is just the start eventuallythe whole thing will be completed with graphics and art,” said Robert Cox, FineArts instructor and mural coordinator.
Currently phase one is completed,which includes the official name and motto.
“We wanted to definitely have it(phase one) ready for Homecoming, ” Cox said.
Phase two will be added shortly andwill include pictures and images that depicts Southern University.
The wall is approximately 300 feetlong and 2 feet 9 inches high.
“We would love to paint more muralswhether they are exterior or interior, because this is one of the things thecampus is lacking,” Cox said.
Eleven art majors and members of TheCreative Arts Society worked on this project for two weekends.
“There is a part of me I put into itand years later I can say I helped to do that,” said Tracie Bradford, fromDeRidder majoring in fine arts.
Fine arts majors enjoyed making thiscontribution to the university and want to do more, said Wendal Dillon, asenior fine arts major from Baton Rouge.
“We are in the process of trying tomake changes and show our work off more,” Dillon said. According to Linda Crawford thisone of the many additions that will be added to Southern University to beautifythe campus.