“O Give thanks unto the Lord, for heis good: for his mercy endureth forever.”(Psalms 107:1)
Monday Oct 25, at 11 a.m. in theRoyal Cotillion Ballroom of the Smith-Brown Memorial Union at Southern University,the Ecumenical Service began the 2004 homecoming week.
The speaker was Bishop Claude White,the pastor of Little Star Freewill Baptist Church in Zachary.
He was introduced by his wife of 29years who he met at Southern University.
“He is truly a man who loves God,”said Deborah H. White. “I thank Southern University for bringing us together.”
White said that through the ministryGod has allowed him to travel across the country and around the world.
“I don’t know what you’ve been goingthrough but God has sent me here today to tell you this,” White said.
“Were living at the crossroads oftime and season,” he said. “It is your season for a change. God is about toincrease you with some new blessings. I didn’t come up here just to hollar atyou. I came here to tell you some good news.”
White preached from Luke 15 andencouraged students to “position yourself for greatness.”
“Texas college may be the enemy onSaturday but there is an enemy that you have to face everyday and that enemy isthe devil,” he said.
White said that if you are bornagain this is the greatest hour to be saved, because what God is about to do tothe body of Christ will blow your mind.
“Those of you who stayed to hearthis, your life is about to take on a new change because your thinking is aboutto change,” White said.
Dr. Raymond Downs, Vice Chancellorfor Students Affairs gave the closing remarks.
“On behalf of the students that arehere, I want to thank you for participating with us,” he said.