Students at Southern University have been patiently waitingfor the arrival of the Intramural Complex. Olddormitories in the back of campus, where the complex will be located, havealready been torn down to prepare for the future process.
“We are well on our way to beginning the construction,”Chancellor Edward Jackson said.
The construction is expected to begin in May and the processis expected to take nine to 12 months. The Intramural Complex will be completedby fall 2006. Students have different opinions about the completion date of thecomplex.
”I don’t thinkthat it’s fair,” said James Bershell, a junior business management major fromSeattle. “It looks like our contribution is in the wind since some of us won’tbe here to see it.”
The complex will consist of reception offices, conferenceroom, men and women’s locker room, first aid room, aerobics storage, aerobicarea, fitness and weight storage, fitness area, gymnasium, two basketball courtsand more. It will be a 30,000 square feet facility.
Darren Radcliff, a junior fine art major from Augusta, Ga.looks forward to seeing the complex. “I think it would be a great addition tothe campus because it will assist everyone in staying in shape.”
Though Melissa Brown, a senior majoring in therapeuticrecreation from New Iberia wont be at Southern to enjoy the complex, she isstill excited. “I don’t mind contributing to the benefit of my school eventhough I wont be here to see it,” Brown said. “I plan to contribute when Igraduate anyway.”
Everything for the building has been approved, but the financial planning is still underway.
“Were doing the financial planning packet right now,”Jackson said. “We have all the approvals we need from our board and from thestate of Louisiana. The financial package should be completed by the end ofNovember. Then we will begin to see the construction process around campus. Wehave so many projects,” he said. “We have two new dormitories about to come up.We have the football and baseball field house and a track facility as well.They have a lot of things scheduled to start and all of them are directlybenefiting our students.”
The complex will benefit students faculty and staff, Jacksonsaid.
“The complex is for any student at Southern but onlystudents at Southern at this point,” he said. “Its for students, faculty andstaff. But the students will use it free of charge. Of course with the facultyand staff were going to have to work out some sort of fee structure.”
This is a five and a half million-dollar project.
“Our students deserve the best. That gym that we have isjust not adequate but this one will be.”