The Jaguar Nation is being displayedon a new level in this year’s Jaguar Yearbook.
“Its purpose was to celebrate beinga part of the Southern University family,” said Christopher Jones, assistantdirector of student media.
Only students who were enrolled atSouthern University during the Fall 2003 and Spring 2004 semesters can receivethe current yearbook.
“It shows all of the stuff that wehave done the past year and this book, like the rest of them, I am sure will begood,” said Shenna Thomas, a junior from Baton Rouge majoring is psychology.
In the past, the yearbook was notdistributed timely and skipped several years.
“The students won’t have to worry ifwe have a book or not,” Jones said. ” The books will be produced withregularity, I hope if nothing else, they get a sense of pride about beingmembers of the Jaguar Nation.”
The yearbook can be picked up inSuite 1062 of Harris Hall in the yearbook office from 10 a.m. — 5 p.m. Students must have a valid Southern UniversityID.
On Thursday, students stood in lineoutside of the office filled with anticipation to see what is featured in thebook.
“I am excited just to look at it andsee who is in the yearbook,” said Reggie Jackson, a sophomore from Walkermajoring in therapeutic recreation.
Students who have not taken apicture for next year’s book will have another chance during the springsemester. Thorton Studies will be at Southern University Feb. 15-18 takingpictures again.
“We encourage not only students, butfaculty and staff to take pictures in the’ 04-’05 book,” Jones said.