There should be2,825,157 people voting today, November 2 in Louisiana according to the LAVoter Registration of 2003.
Blacks accountfor 29.5 percent of the registered voters, which are 834,749 people. There are1,990,428 Caucasian and other voters in Louisiana.
“As a Louisianaresident I am appalled to look at the current statistics with the knowledge ofhaving a responsibility as an African American to go out and voice my opinionthrough the modern political process,” said Dwayne Grant, a sophomore majoringin political science from St. James.
In Louisianathere are 1,584,704 registered democrats which is 42.5 percent. Of theregistered voters 674,229 are Blacks.
“I hope thisyear more democrats will come out and vote more than in the past,” said LaurenMalbroux, The Southern University College Democrats president.
There are666,954 registered republican voters, 4.3 percent of them are Blacks.
“It’s veryimportant that republicans vote just as well as the democrats, because our voteactually does count,” said Anthony Monroe, a junior majoring in marketing fromShreveport.
There are573,499 registered other party voters 23 percent which is 132,148 of them areBlacks.
Between theages 18 — 20 there are 104,201 registered voters, which is 3.7 percent.
Rhyan Foster, afreshman majoring in psychology from Oakland, Calif said she feels it is a badthing, the younger generation doesn’t vote.
“A lot ofpeople don’t know what there voting for,” she said. “A lot of people justaren’t educated about voting and what it could do for the community and theworld.”
Between theages of 21 — 34 there are 734,340-registered voters, which is 26 percent.
“I think peoplethat age should vote,” said Aaron Broussard, a sophomore majoring in lawenforcement from Crowley. “I don’t think people should be out there telling usto vote or die. I mean I’m gong to vote. It didn’t take P. Diddy to make me wantto vote. I was going to vote anyway.”
The 2004elections will take place Nov 2.