“I don’t really care… I just was always taught that it was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steven! But it’s really not a concern to me.”
Stephen Keith
Music Education
“Because I am a Southern Baptist and a devoted Christian I believe that when God created a partner for Adam he created Eve and not Steve. So it is on the basis of basic instructions before leaving earth that I am against gay marriages.”
Jermarr J. Buckley
Baton Rouge
Mechanical Engineer
No, I don’t think gay marriage should be banned why, because I feel everyone loves in their own way. And I think that if you established a relationship with Christ you’ll have to answer to him and not the people that are judging you.”
Chassidy Addison
Performing Arts/ Criminal Justicer
“I believe in God’s eyes it isn’t right, but if you really love someone no matter what gender or race you should be able to love them forever with or without wedding.”
Erin Robertson
San Jose, CA
Mass Communication