In this episode of College Hill, the cast went on yet another adventure and had to deal with personal confrontation.
The roommates were sent out to play a game of paint ball. Adopting names like, “The Claw,” “G.I. Bro” and “Redbone,” the group was separated into two teams as their battled ensued. Shalondrea was unable to participate but managed to get her hands on a paintball gun to strike her foe, Kinda.
When the group returned to the suite, all hell broke loose when Sholandrea confronted Kinda about the messy condition of her side of the room. As the two went back and forth, Veronica put in her two cents and made it seem as if the girls in the house had something against Kinda. Kinda claimed that she didn’t know how to clean up behind herself because she grew up with a maid. However, Kinda made it perfectly clear to Shalondrea that ultimately she would be better off than her (referring to her pregnancy). Slick-tongued Shalondrea retorted Kinda’s comment and was ready to go to war, saying that Kinda won’t be anything and that all she could do was “make a few dollars in a club.”
As the tension grew, Kinda broke down and cried about how everyone was picking on her, how school was so hard for her and the fact that her parents weren’t speaking to her. Whether it was all for show or not (she did say she was a good actress on the radio Thursday morning), Kinda apologized for messiness but stood firm on the fact that her side of the room was her side of the room. Shalondrea continuously stayed in Kinda’s face and even Jabari said that it looked like she had nothing better to do.
Besides the drama between Kinda and Shalondrea, the Southern University cheerleaders and Human Jukebox, shared the stage as the show highlighted Nina, a cheerleader and J.Y., a member of the band. Viewers had the opportunity to witness the dedication, precision and greatness of these two SU entities.