The SouthernUniversity Athletic Department is asking for the support of the Jaguar Nationand its supporters as it prepares for the fourth annual JAG-A-THON. The yearly drive will be televised liveon May 1 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Cox Sports Television.
Pledge cards areavailable for those who may consider in making a contribution to support theathletic department.
“It’s all aboutwinning,” said SU Athletic Director, Floyd A. Kerr. “I encourage everyone tocome and be a part of it.”
According toKerr, contributions will go to the SU Athletic Department Center of AcademicSuccess. The center will provide academic assistance and amenities to thestudent-athletes who play the 18 NCAA Division-I sports at Southern.
The center willalso be a compliment to the nationally ranked graduation rate that Southernmaintains. The university is ranked eighth in the nation with a 67 percentgraduation rate among Division-I student-athletes.
Pledge cards canbe picked at the SU Athletic Department or donations can be made by calling(800) 471-7007.