Miss Southernis more than withholding grace, good character, conduct and beauty. She is themost vividly showcased ambassador and the official hostess of SouthernUniversity.
“In the lasttwo years we have really raised the level of expectations of Miss Southern, andshe has truly delivered on them,” said Julie Wessinger advisor to Miss Southernand associate director of career services.
Miss Southernserves as a representative for the student body at athletic events, parades,campus-wide assemblies, alumni conferences and functions, founders day,coronations and various competitions.
She is theofficial queen of Southern University and represents the entire university.
Outside of theuniversity, she is called upon to visit local schools, where she is seen as arole model for high and middle school students.
“It is nolonger just how you look, it is more about what you are going t o do with thecommunity and your reign,” said Kyana Stewart Miss Southern University 2003-04,”are you going to talk to students, participate in school wide functions beyondwhat you are asked to do.”
Miss Southernserves over the entire royal court and is the chairperson for their meetings.She chooses the color and style of all garments worn by them. To minimize thecost of her wardrobe she is given a stipend awarded by the Student GovernmentAssociation. She is advised to be financially stable, because it will not coverall of her expenses as Miss Southern.
Once theirreign is complete, she is expected to be an advisor and mentor to future MissSouthern’s, “Most of them keep in contact with each other,” said Wessinger.
One of the competitionsMiss Southern competes in is the Miss HBCU pageant.
The HBCUpageant also provides a network with other college queens. “The Miss HBCUpageant is more of a sister relationship than a competition,” said Wessenger.When running for Miss Southern she is expected to have a platform and whenappointed into office act on it.
“Everyones goalwhen they come in as Miss Southern should be to take it up another level andmake an impact on the university,” said Stewart
“Miss Southernhas a job of upholding a tradition,” said Niiobli Armah, a freshman politicalscience major from Houston. “When someone adds something to the tradition andyou see a turn around that is when you will know her essence.”