Approximately1,200 members of the Jaguar Nation came out to see the Southern UniversityJaguars football team’s 2004 Blue and Gold Spring Scrimmage on Saturday at A.W.Mumford Stadium.
Seniorquarterback Thomas Ricks, who currently has been slated as a starter in theposition, completed 12 of 17 passes for 267 yards and four touchdowns.
Ricks connectedwith junior wide receiver James Vernon for two touchdowns covering 126 yards.Vernon had a total of 167 receiving yards for the day.
“Vernon had anoutstanding spring,” said head Jaguars’ head coach Pete Richardson. “I knew hewould do well this spring and during the scrimmage.”
Joseph Lewis,the red shirt freshman quarterback from Walnut Creek, Calif., completed 10 of15 passes for 145 and one touchdown.
On thedefensive side, sophomore linebacker Donnie Skinner picked up one interceptionwhile senior linebackers Perry Davis and Kevin Mack each collected a sack.
A concern forRichardson has been the secondary. Led by senior defensive backs Kevin Moffettand Victor Phillips, Richardson said that overall they are going to have getmore physical in order to face opposing teams effectively.
Jamaal Huff, a5-10, 165 lb. sophomore running back from Blake High School in Tampa, Fla., wasall but unknown prior to the scrimmage. Fans knew who he was afterwards. Huffrushed for 35 yards and one touchdown on Saturday.
“He first cameon the team as a quarterback,” said Richardson. “He is a very elusive runningback and able to make plays. He’s done real well.”
Junior Joseph,a 6-1, 175 lb. junior transfer from Louisiana State, said that his adjustmentat Southern has been smooth.
“It appearsthat my position is a big part of the offense here,” Joseph said. “I’m not usedto being in a ‘no huddle,’ so I have to work a lot.”
The New Orleanssaid that being on The Bluff has been more demanding of him because he has tobe in better shape to play with the Jaguars. He said that he did not have toparticipate in “no huddle” plays at LSU, so he knew what plays were to come.
Others who madenotable performances were junior wide out Antonio Overstreet and senior rusherShaun Peoples. Overstreet caught five catches for 120 yards and two touchdowns,while Peoples stiff-armed through the defense six times for 15 yards and onetouchdown.