An investigation into theRegistrar’s Office by the Southern University Internal Auditors has discoveredthat at least 541 students–past and present–have been implicated in agrade-changing scheme.
In a press conference Wednesday, Chancellor Edward R. Jacksonsaid the scheme involved undergraduate and graduate students dating back to1995 and the awarding of potentially fake degrees.
According to the auditors report, approximately 2,500 transactions were made, said Jackson.
Jackson also said money may have been involved in the scheme.
”Let me assure everyone, we will not tolerate any unethicalor illegal activities at Southern University,” Jackson said. “If we find it, wewill stop it, we will correct it and we will report it.”
The findings of the investigation have been reported to theEast Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney’s Office, the Southern UniversitySystem Board of Supervisors and to Legislative Auditors.
Jackson said the investigation was initiated last year whenthe university was alerted that a student who had enrolled in one of Southern’sgraduate programs presented credentials indicating that she was a graduate ofthe university. The department hadno record of her having earned a degree.
The university was able to trace the undocumented entries ofother students as well as identify the employee codes that were used to alteracademic records, Jackson said.
Jackson said the trail of unauthorized entries led to formerAssistant Registrar Cleo Carroll, who was fired last March during the initialstages of the investigation.
Registrar Marvin Allen wasreassigned to another department after Carroll’s dismissal.
Allen was not available for comment.
There is no evidence that Allen wasinvolved in the investigation but Jackson said other employees may have beeninvolved.
Jackson said each student involvedwould have the opportunity to go before a panel of faculty members to pleadtheir case against the allegations.
The panel will decide whether or notthe student would be cleared from the charges or if they would have to retakethe courses in question. Degreesearned under false pretenses may also be revoked during the hearings.
“We will try to be as fair andhumane as possible if students who are involved are willing to cooperate,”Jackson said. “But we have toremember that laws have been broken and rules have been violated.”
An internal auditor from theChancellor’s Office has been assign to monitor the Registrar’s Office.
In wake of the grade-changingscheme, students and faculty feel that it is important to remain strong andsupport the administration.
This problem is a disgrace to ourbeloved university,” said Junior Class President Alvin Woods. “I have faith that everything will beresolved without chaos.”
“Every institution has its problemsand so does ours,” said Faculty Senate President Sudhir Travedi in a statementreleased Wednesday. “However, theyare ours to deal with. And, so, we will deal with these problems together andmake it right.”