What is the purpose of a campaign? It is oftendefined as making an attempt to win. Everyone who is running for a position inthe Student Government Association has organized some type of a campaign.
Seeing that everyone wants to be a part of SGA, theirprimary point of interest should be the students that are going to elect theminto office. How can anyone, especially those running for SGA president andMiss Southern- the two most important positions within SGA– gain the vote ofevery student forgetting that their primary purpose of their campaign. Youshould put forth an earnest effort to make the students feel wanted.
You need our votes.
Those running for SGA president, your attempt hasbeen seen as more extrusive, than what has been seen from the ladies runningfor Miss Southern.
There are unofficially 12 ladies whom all wish justas much as you to have the distinction of the Miss Southern University title.This means you have to work even harder than the opposing candidates. Youshould have no discretion on your exhibition to execute kindness.
The easiest way to get someone to vote for you is tohumble yourself. Put yourself in a position that is approachable for thestudents you need to vote for you.
Women who would like to be elected to the position ofMiss Southern have in recent years as well as during this campaign have walkedpast me. I am sure many others do not make an effort to at least smile. Yes, a”Hello, my name is…” and “I am running for Miss Southern?” would be nice.
We understand that time is not always permitted to dosuch. However, a smile is the simplest way to greet anyone. If you give off avibe to me when you walk into a room as unapproachable, I will not vote for youand I would not advise anyone else to do so either.
During the 2003-04 campaign trail current SGAPresident Wayne Haydin and Miss Southern University Kyana Stewart both excelledin these qualities. Anyone running for office should look at their campaignstrategies as fine examples of how to win students votes.
The students need candidates to do more than justserve as an ambassador for the university. We need you to show us that you careabout us as individuals.
That is something that can not be proven to usthrough a free t-shirts, trinkets and parties. It comes from within and whenrunning for a position you must wear it on your sleeve.
You should be your primary campaign manager and asimple smile or wave should be your number one spokesperson.