The winningformula is no secret to Student Government Association presidential candidateAuthur Monroe Jr. He is ajunior, chemistry major from Houston.
If elected hewill be serving his third term as an SGA official. Monroe has served as the2001-2002 freshman class president and 2002-03 sophomore class president.
“While atSouthern University I tried to participate in as many events as possible tobetter our university,” Monroe said.
As SGA presidentMonroe’s “winning formula” is to incorporate: more community/student organizedprogramming, freshman orientation program, 1-800-numbers to make calling thecampus more accessible for out of state students and parents, update the universitywebsite more frequently, increase campus beautification, organize a student rantelevision and radio show, SU police action committee, improve the SUidentification card buying power in the city and provide better student healthcenter hours.
The first thingon his presidential to-do list is forming a stronger SGA. Every student is amember of SGA and Monroe wants to make all students active members.
“You recruit thepeople to be involved,” said Monroe, “SGA is not for just your most dedicated students.”
To implementthis, he plans to create a more organized system that will involve everyone oncampus including the off campus and non-traditional students.
“Working withSGA gives students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills,” Monroesaid.
Not only thestudents, but Monroe said that in order to build a strong university, he willsolicit the help of administrators.
“With the helpof Russell Frazier, Lynn Dickerson and other administrators and faculty we candevelop a system to create our future leaders on campus,” Monroe said.
Monroe saidSouthern University has gained a lot of negative national attention and it willtake a strong SGA president to uplift the university.
“I plan toaccomplish that goal by publicizing the talent and skills of the students oncampus and letting the world know about it,” Monroe said. “We are more than just a football team,College Hill and The Digest.”
If elected SGApresident, he plans to recognize the shinning stars we have at SouthernUniversity that have chosen to refrain from the lime light.
“There are someof the best students, who are doing great things at our campus, such as TenilleTerry who was chosen as one of the nation’s leaders.”
Also if elected,Monroe’s primary goal will be to support the students.
“You mustsupport the students, if you don’t have someone who supports what the studentswant the reason for SGA is defeated.”