Virgin, to say itcan often silence a room. A 23-year-old black male growing up in the 21stcentury that is outgoing, educated and attractive is usually not expected to bea virgin.
Lionel Joseph asenior majoring in microbiology from Independence defies the odds by making thechoice to remain abstinent. ” I am waiting for marriage, because of mystrong belief in Christ, God intended for us not to have sex outside ofmarriage” Joseph said.
While in high schoolJoseph had aspirations of going to college and playing football. For support onhis decision he went to his mother and she said, ” You can do anything you wantas long as you put the Lord first.” That is when he developed a closerrelationship with God.
Joseph understandsthat his choice is unique. He is a part of the Southern University footballteam, that has been labeled as jocks and rumors of sleeping with many women. “People don’t believe me, and many refuse to, because I play football for auniversity,” said Joseph.
Stepping away fromthe stereotype he tries to be a role model. ” Most of my teammates embrace mefor who I am, they respect me and my lifestyle,” said Joseph.
Teammate and friendAdam Nelson from Westwego majoring in therapeutic recreation said, “I encouragehim I would not try to influence him to do something he doesn’t want to do,sometimes I get weak and he is there to pick me up.”
On the football teamhe serves as a spiritual leader. ” He is living a good Christian life, he is avery positive influence, and a good friend,” said Chad Green from Houston,Texas a graduate student studying public administration.
Joseph said he is lookingfor someone who can provide a healthy conversation, and can make him feelwanted.
He is currently in arelationship of two years with a virgin as well. ” That is one of the thingsthat attracted me to her, but I thought I would be with someone who wasexperienced,” said Joseph.
His girlfriend alsodidn’t think it was possible to find a virgin. ” I am grateful that God hassent someone like Lionel in my life,” said his girlfriend Lauren Brown.
Joseph’s strengthand reference is the Bible and often quotes 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 It isGod’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexualimmorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way thatis holy and honorable.
” If God said it wasok to have sex before marriage I would, but he didn’t say that” said Joseph, “It is not about me I am doing this because God told me not to.”