Paul T.Edling, United States Postal Service postmaster for the city of Baton Rouge,announced on March 25 that a limited edition of souvenir envelopes are nowavailable to faculty, students and the general public to commemorate SouthernUniversity’s 2003 Black College Football National Championship.
Edlingunveiled the envelope, along with SUBR Chancellor Edward R. Jackson and SU headfootball coach Pete Richardson during a special ceremony during the SU SystemBoard of Supervisors meeting.
“This ishistory in the making,” said Shieleta D. Augustus, USPS acting customer relationscoordinator for the Baton Rouge area. “This will probably never happenagain. Things like this are usually done for huge universities. Southern maynot be huge, but it is an historic Black college and I am very excited.”
For only $7,members of the Jaguar Nation can purchase one of the 3,000 numbered envelopesthat were postmarked from Baton Rouge during Black History Month.
According tothe USPS, the envelopes are intended to make an inexpensive souvenir formembers of the Jaguar Nation as a keepsake of the Jags success in Black CollegeFootball.
“We don’texpect them to last long,” Augustus said. “I am happy about it and Iam glad that the Postal Service is honoring SU this way. I am happy to be apart of it.”
The envelopescan be purchased at the Southern University Contract Station (Post Office) inthe Smith-Brown Memorial Union, where 700 envelopes have been delivered. Formore information call (225) 763-3607 or (225) 763-3852.