The Southern University Quarterback Club is raffling a 2003 Ford Ranger pickup truck to be given away in the third quarter of the 2003 State Farm Bayou Classic.
According to Quarterback Club board member Robert Brown, approximately 25,000 tickets have been issued to club members. Of that amount, 4,250 tickets have actually been sold. Brown said that the club is anticipating 30,000 tickets to be sold by beginning of the big game.
“I hope that we have a lot of participation. The tickets are selling well now and we will be selling tickets all around town,” said Brown.
Periodically, the Quarterback Club will be selling tickets at area Wal-Mart department stores in Baton Rouge, New Roads and Baker.
The club currently meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at W.W. Stewart Hall. Those interested in joining are encourage to attend.
Those interested in purchasing the one dollar raffle tickets should call (225) 936-7184.