For the 12,350 who went to the game against MVSU last week, please tell the other 47,650 fair-weather-excuse me-foul-weather fans that they missed a great season opener. Continuing the momentum of last season’s Bayou Classic win, the Jags 29-0 win over the Delta Devils has called for me to send a warning to the rest of the SWAC: This is our year.
Now, if you all remember correctly, it rained in Jackson, Miss. prior to the game and didn’t stop until roughly an hour and a half before the game.
Nonetheless, the field looked good when the teams came out to play.
I hope our new drainage system comes close to the one in the stadium in Jackson. Because, on our first home game, I want to see grass-green grass! No spots. No brown grass. No painted blotches.
To the soccer and volleyball teams-keep your heads up.
On another note, isn’t it nice that the university pays for the rings of last year’s conference champions?
Surely money should be no object when it comes to getting what you ask for, which is a Commissioner’s Cup and dominance of the conference.
Speaking of dominance. It’s great that we have students-athletes that dominate the conference, but as fans, I don’t think that we should pressure them too much. They put enough pressure on themselves already, so to the “sideline galleries” and the “tailgating tell-alls,” let the coaches coach, the runners run and the players play. Finally, I think that SUBR and the SU Board of Supervisors should resolve to dedicate this athletic year to slain football player James Allen and deceased track team member Hampton Darensbourg. After all, they were students first who dedicated their time to flourishing athletic programs. Rest in Peace James and Hampton.
And to the rest of the SWAC: You might as well dedicate your athletic programs to us, because we are going to run it all anyway.
LET THE TRASH TALKING BEGIN!!! See you at the games.
It’s that time again
September 5, 2003
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