The more I hear representatives from the SU System Foundation or the Board talk about funding for athletic facilities, the further it seems to go on the backburner and more I get upset.
It only seemed like yesterday when I saw Clayton and President Leon Tarver butt heads over whose stadium addition idea was better.
It only seemed like this morning when there was talk of how locker rooms and other provisions would eventually be provided for all of the Jaguars’ athletes, along with offices and other little goodies for other schools to either admire or envy.
I want an intramural facility. Since Curtis Lee, the foundation’s executive director, bombarded student leaders of the SU System with elaborate numbers and figures a few weeks ago, I would like to think that he recognized that students have waited long enough. I mean, I like to run and play too. Besides, his inability to answer certain questions disgusted me.
Also, what is up with the Minidome’s court? There are so many soft spots in the floor that I am surprised that the ball still bounces. Did you know that there are splinters rising up from the floor? If I paid over 20 million big ones for renovations, you can believe some pine from Rapides Parish or somewhere would have been laid and painted. Can you say “lawsuit” if someone falls in the wrong place? Of course not, because some of you board members are too busy bickering to notice.
There are too many of you yapping without reason and pouting during board meetings when you don’t get what you want.
Then there are some of you who don’t say anything at all. Since when does the board hire mutes to represent the system? Is someone holding you as puppets or is someone holding you in their wallets?
I know I am being harsh and maybe a little offensive, but I don’t do it for nothing, I love Southern and I don’t mind fighting for the students, since the board’s student representative acts as if he doesn’t want the job.
Our students and student-athletes do too much with too little already. I ask you and plead to you, the members of the Southern University System Board and Administration, to get it together.
Or else get out and find another job that gives you perks you don’t deserve.
Get it together
November 17, 2003
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