Utopian Productions presented a fashion show of a different flavor in Seymour Gym, on the Southern University campus, Wednesday April 23.
Utopian productions, which is known for its sophisticated parties held its first annual fashion show that showed students how to be a part of their stylish arena.
The fashion show, dubbed “The Chocolate Factory,” displayed chocolate of all tones in the latest styles. From business casual and formal, to hip-hop and the much-anticipated swimwear and fantasy scenes, the event was eye-candy galore.
It began with business casual under the theme “Millionaires: An assortment of flavors.”
” It was different from the ordinary business scene. It showed urban casual wear that incorporated shorts, hats and shades which is not often seen in the business office, but are worn to class,” said Latoya Moore a senior from Thibodeaux majoring in mass communications.
The next scene was hip-hop, titled “It’s all in the Mix.” What would hip- hop be like without jerseys and throwbacks? Both men and women made lasting impressions in their athletic apparel. Many models wore jean dresses and camouflage army fatigue with hints of bright red to set it off.
The swimwear scene was titled “Melts in Your Mouth… Not in Your Hand,” which consisted of an Ice Cream Shop for the viewing of a napoleon buffet with all three flavors including chocolate.
The “World’s Finest Chocolate” was displayed in the Formal scene.
Last, but never least was fantasy ” Sweet Temptations.” The scene consisted of people in costumes usually seen in a Fredrick’s of Hollywood magazine.
They started at the beginning with Adam wearing a grass skirt and Eve in a flower covered bikini.
Students clearly enjoyed the event.
“The event showed a large variety of different styles that were very creative,” said Roxetta Sims a graduating senior mass communications major from Los Angeles. ” I will do my best to incorporate these styles into my wardrobe,”