“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16
The Committed to Christ Student Organization, whose sole purpose is to help students bridge the gap of academics and their spiritual lives, shone their light in the Smith-Brown Memorial Union Ballroom on Tuesday, April 8.
Tuesday was the second day of “Committed to Christ Week,” and the organization held its “Let’s Talk Solutions Spiritual Motivational Series.”
The mission of the program was to make Southern University students one step closer to living the Word of God n their daily lives.
The program began with a prayer led by George Fountain IV.
Kendra Hill, president of the Christian organization, provided the occasion and George Fountain, III gave a brief introduction of the speaker.
“Homosexuals and pedophiles were out of the closet,” said Fountain. “Now it is time for Christians to come out.”
The featured speaker was the Southern University’s Police Department Chief Dale Flowers.
Flowers, an ordained minister, opened his speech by telling students that he has two full-time jobs: being a pastor and working for the police department. He told attendees that his first sermon came from Matthew 5:16.
“Jesus has given us a light so that when we shine darkness will have to flee,” said Flowers as he quoted the scripture. “We serve a God that deserves to be glorified, you should not be ashamed to tell others Jesus is the head of your life.”
He elaborated on how to make Southern University a campus that lives for the Lord, instead of just a church- going one. He left to a standing ovation, as those in attendance showed their enthusiasm over his speech.
“I think it was a real good program. Being that we had someone who works on campus and can motivate students as well as help turn the campus back into a Christian environment,” said Hill.
C2C Hosts Spiritual Motivational Speaker Series
April 11, 2003
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