The SU Administration has basically found Cleo Carroll guilty of misconduct and has terminated him and I back the administration-that is if he did wrong. Although I do not condone what he has allegedly done, I do feel that if he did do it, it was to help students.
Of course, changing grades illegally is not exactly the right way, but I honestly feel that his heart was in the right place-helping students.
So before you run to the water cooler to gossip about what kind of person you think Cleo Carroll was, think about yourselves for a minute and reflect, because a lot of you need a lot of work.
There are too many people who display jealousy here. None of you make enough money to be jealous or contriving towards anyone in this system, so quit backstabbing your colleagues and leave your “stank” attitudes at home.
Some of you on the “Fourth Floor” and some of you on the “Third” seem to have forgotten where the hell you have come from. You too were students once and you always didn’t have a title. Go back down “Memory Lane.”
I could regurgitate when I speak to certain members of the administration and they get defensive when asked questions relevant to Southern’s future; and I almost practically pee on myself when I see that politics are involved with the one thing that should not even be bargained nor compromised-our education.
Maybe our state would not be damned near last in the country in education if certain people would not put it last, next to their egos and bank accounts.
Too many people here want “hook-ups”. I believe that the “hook-up” has now become an “institution” at Southern by which some of you avert hard work for unearned credibility and it is this “institution” that is now the official standard by which laziness and incompetence is exhibited. So would it be safe to call those applicable “hook”ers?
It was this “institution” that got Cleo Carroll in trouble. But I refuse to believe that some of his favors did not get done for “persons of influence.”
As I mentioned before, I am all for the “hook-up”, but only if it is deserved. In this case, grades are supposed to be earned. If you can’t cut it, that’s what “Repeat and Delete” is for. Trust me, I know.
We need more integrity at Southern. If certain people had more integrity, this would have never happened. There are too many people willing to do too many things for too little around here.
But in retrospect, Cleo Carroll was wrong. He was wrong for always being available to the students and all of those around him. Most of all, he was wrong for caring. He cared so much that he might have gone beyond the law to show it. Think about Carroll’s calamity. Not one person could say one bad thing about him prior to this happening.
Now how many of you can say the same?
…I say that the Cleo Carroll Defense Fund get started? Don’t knock it, you may be next.
Think About Carroll’s Calamity
April 4, 2003
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