The time has come when all most students think about is graduation. After four years, all one can think about is putting those sixteen-hour semesters and summer school behind them. For some of us, well, it’s more like five or six.
As you reflect back, you can smile at the fact that you actually survived the horror of Boley and Jones Hall. You finally know that it’s better to keep your hours than to just drop them due to laziness (too much info, too late, huh?). Nevertheless, all of your problems are over… right? Well at least that’s until the pressures of what to do now sets in. Will you get a job in your major? Will you get the job offer from the company you’ve been putting in relentless hours through an internship for? However, these are just the negative aspects of the situation.
In reality you did have some fun times living in the back. As for dropping classes, well at least that made more time for the Union and making new card buddies. And come on now, I know you didn’t spend all this time, money and energy at Southern University to not have a plan afterwards…right?
I’m sure the future alumni of Southern Univesity have many promising opportunities to look forward to. There will be many success stories out there that will have “graduate of Southern University” attached. That will certainly make us all proud.
Good luck graduates!
Good luck Southern graduates
December 6, 2002
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