Representatives from Southern University will accompany Mayor Bobby Simpson and other Louisiana officials to the state of Veracruz, Mexico on January 25 in an effort to build educational and cultural ties.
Dr. Warner Anderson, coordinator of Southern University’s Study Abroad Program, stated, “Southern University is not only going to show case its study abroad program, but also serve as cultural experts for the Louisiana delegation.”
The parties representing SU includes Dr. Warner Anderson, Coordinator of the Study Abroad Program, Barbara Carpenter, Director of Service-Learning and Continuing Education, and Dr. Carol Weis, Chair Department of Foreign Languages.
During the five day visit many educational and political leaders from Baton Rouge will meet with members of the Gulf States Accord, an exposition which draws representatives of the eleven states surrounding the Gulf of Mexico in connection with Mexico through international agreement.
Anderson states that he oversees the program annually in May because “…not enough students at this university are given an opportunity to learn about other cultures first hand.”
Occupational and educational venues will be opened for students in Baton Rouge because of its sister city agreement with the city of Cordoba, Veracruz, which is located in Mexico.
For more information about the study abroad program, visit
SU faculty to accompany Baton Rouge mayor to Mexico
January 25, 2002