The wave of technology hits home as the Southern University Police Department upgrades to electronic parking tickets.
SU’s traffic control officers are equipped with computerized hand held ticket writers.
The new tickets are in the form of a receipt and loaded with information.
Each ticket lists the violation, date, time, officer number, location, and a total price.
Students no longer need to go to the campus police station to pay debts because any ticket balance is downloaded directly to the students account.
Any one ticketed must respond to the citation within five business days from the date that the ticket was issued, or the fine will increase.
Charles Herbert, traffic control supervisor, said, “After the third ticket a car can be towed but it can also be towed after the first ticket depending on the violation and where the car is parked.”
If an individual continues to receive tickets leaving the other citations unpaid, the balance continues to accumulate.
The most common violations include parking in the wrong zone, having not registered vehicles, and parking in a handicap space.
Loud music violators will be fined $25.
To appeal a notice, ticket holders should report to the campus police station within seven calendar days, otherwise it would result in the loss of the right to appeal.
New traffic tickets issued
January 25, 2002