The year 2K2 is nearly one month old and it doesn’t seem as anything has changed from last year.
Just think every year every one of us comes up with New Years’ resolutions that we set as goals for us to obtain in the upcoming year.
Now be honest, how many of you have already broken every last one your resolutions? No matter what type of resolution, you may have set for yourself.
Be it: I plan on attending every one of my last classes this semester (The semester is only two weeks old and I bet there are those of you who still have that one class that you haven’t went to yet).
I will go on a diet (If you ain’t went on a diet in the previous years what makes you think this year will be any different),
I will stop going to clubs and partying so much (Please, you probably brought in the year with a party and will party all year) or the ever popular I will give up smoking and drinking (Yeah right, you were probably smoking and sippin on something while you thought of this one).
So why set resolutions if we are gonna break them? Is it really funny to set a resolution just to see how fast we can break it? At the end or beginning of every year we make up so called resolutions and break them in less time it takes us to think the idea up.
I suggest that we just forget about that lil resolution thing at the first of every year. I mean why set yourself up for failure? Why try to accomplish goals that you know are virtually impossible for you to achieve?
If you have been doing all those things for all those years what makes you think that you will stop simply because it’s a New Year? Maybe the answer to why we can’t keep a resolution is that because the resolutions we make are a huge part of our lives and we believe that we couldn’t live without breaking the resolution.
Personally I think we break these resolutions because we know that the resolution we make is something that we should do, however it is something we are not ready to commit to so we tell everyone that we are gonna do it. (True we may honor that commitment for a few days or even weeks). However sooner or later and more sooner than later we will break that resolution.
For example, someone who may be overweight and understands that they need to lose weight will say that their New Years resolution is to go on a diet and lose weight. When the New Year does come in the individual may go on a diet and eat healthy but sooner or later they will break that diet.
The point I’m trying to get across is that if you are going to talk about it be about it. Don’t say you’re gonna do something and don’t do it. Don’t make fake promises if you made a New Years resolution. Keep it and if you broke it already it’s not to late to start over but if you do restart mean it this time.
Quickly breaking resolutions
January 25, 2002
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