Just to get things started off on the right foot, I want to “Happy New Year” and “Welcome Back” to the students, faculty and friends of Southern University. I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday break.
I know I had a wonderful break and apparently so did the Southern University women’s basketball team…
As for our men…Well same ol’ same ol’.
I just don’t know what to say about those “Running and Gunning Jaguars” of Ben Jobe. From my seat on press row, I see five guys out there playing a game meant to be played by two teams of five guys. Not the other way around. I look out there and I see a Justin Timberlake look-a-like who thinks he is a blend of Kobe Bryant and Allen Iverson and last season leading scorer, who looks as if he doesn’t want to be out there, one guy who is trying but still comes up kinda short and two other random guys out there trying to produce the illusion of a team.
I mean don’t get me wrong, I really admire “Kobe Iverson” (Victor Tarver) for trying to do good things “for the team”, but I would admire him more if he would try to do things “with the team.”
But, the Jaguars aren’t the only team in the SWAC that’s not doing so hot. Alabama State 11-7 (who defeated SU 67-57 Monday night) and Alcorn State 9-5 have the only winning record out of all the ten teams that comprise the Southwestern Athletic Conference.
But, I am sure things will get better. But, while I am waiting for the men to come around. I have decided to jump on the “REAL” running and gunning Jaguars. The women are doing big things and I plan to be beside them until the very end. I plan to follow them straight to Birmingham for the SWAC championship game and right into the NCAA tournament. I will be right there with my specially made “#31” jersey on, waving my blue and gold shaker.
In case anyone is wondering, I don’t only expect great things from the women’s basketball team. I am expecting great things from the baseball and softball teams, the track team, golf, tennis and bowling teams.
The baseball team has already promised me that they will try to keep me happy this semester. Hopefully everyone else will keep me happy.
Make me happy
January 25, 2002