This past weekend standout Jaguar baseball player Ricky Weeks was hit six times by “wild pitches” and almost hit by a “wild bat.” Why? Your guess is as good as mine.
Ricky Weeks, an all-American, destined for the big league, could have been severely injured because of the animosity another athlete has towards him.
My question is what point does purposely hitting a batter make? Especially if that player is already a powerful hitter.
By hitting a batter you GIVE him a hit he did not have to work for.
The same thing happens in basketball.
When the defense intentionally goes after a particular player, the player fouled is rewarded; the fouler is penalized.
Now, I will say that basketball is a high contact sport. But, baseball … c’mon. Baseball is one of the safest sports out there.
Sure, accidents happen, but to be hit by sic pitches in two days, that makes one question what the coaching staff at Prairie View is teaching their team about sportsmanlike conduct.
But, apparently intentionally inflicting injury upon the opposition is quite popular these days. Over spring break, every time I watched The Best Damn Sports Show Period, there were clips of fights caused by one athlete causing injury to another, clips of fights caused by a pitcher who missed his target and hit a batter, he just so happened to publicly dislike.
But, enough of that just remember that when you do wrong unto others, it always comes back to haunt you … And I am not just talking about baseball. But, that’s a topic for another day.
The Hospitality Suite. Also known as the scorekeeper’s box at Lee-Hines field is in horrible condition as is the area surrounding the structure that only accommodates two people … standing. The sheet rock roofing was turned to mush over the semester break. When it finally fell to the floor Kevin Manns, Sports Information Director removed it. The box has no heat or air conditioning source, there are wooden stakes littering the ground outside the box.
I know the baseball field is due for renovations, but this is something that can be done with little or no money, this is something that could have been taken care of by maintenance. And it needs to be taken care of soon, very soon. Who knows when someone is going to stumble and seriously injure themselves? And what’s going to happen when someone does fall? Can we say lawsuit?
Jersey No. 31… Once again Jacklyn Winfield has been blessed with yet another honor. I feel that the jersey worn by Winfield for the past two seasons should be retired, hung in rafters of F.G. Clark Activity Center as a reminder of what she brought to this school. Jackie not only led the Jaguars to their first NCAA tournament appearance; she also brought confidence to a struggling basketball program.
I feel all supporters of Jaguar Athletics; especially fans of the women’s basketball team should rally together and push the retirement of her jersey.
Baseball is now dangerous, retire Jackie’s jersey
April 5, 2002