The Beta Sigma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi of Southern University won first place in the regional march down this weekend.
In the 65th Annual 9th District Meeting held the weekend of March 26-30 in Little Rock Ark, The Beta Sigma Chapter competed in the 28th annual step show and took home first prize in the march down. The region includes Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.
The district meet is held every year and determines which chapter will go on to nationals. This year the Beta Sigma chapter will travel to Charlotte, North Carolina the week of July 10-17 to compete for the national step champions.
“Winning was an exceptional experience, it is an honor to be on the Beta Sigma hop team anyone can be on a step team but it takes funk and precision to be the best,” said Alton Bell, senior accounting major from Chicago.
The Beta Sigma Chapter will represent the 9th district at the upcoming national conclave not only for the best step team in the Fraternity but they are also in the running for National Chapter of the Year, The National Community Service Award and Best Scrapbook.
“The Beta Sigma Chapter will continue to succeed and raise the bar of excellence,” said Darian Howard, Chapter President.
Every year over 45 chapters of Omega Psi Phi gather to compete in a variety of competitions. Next year the 66th Annual District Meeting will be held in Baton Rouge the weekend of April 13-16.
“The Beta Sigma Chapter hasn’t won a national championship since 1977 and this will be the 25th anniversary of that year and we hope to bring the title home to Beta,” said Howard.
The Beta Sigma step team members were Darian Howard, Terrell Jackson Jr., Alton Bell, Marlon Folse, Brandon Lewis, Mitchell Major, Irving Picott, Darren Mims and Josh Davis.
Terrell Jackson Jr. was voted as the 9th District Undergraduate Representative for the State of Louisiana.
“It was truly an honor to be elected as the Undergraduate Representative for the state, It is such a great honor to be bestowed upon me and I will represent the 9th district to the best of my ability” said Jackson.
The Omega hop team will be stepping in Mississippi this weekend for Que-Delta weekend. They also will be performing for Xavier and Louisiana State University spring fest activities.
SU Omegas win regional step championship
April 5, 2002
The Beta Sigma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi at Southern University won the regional stomp in Little Rock, Ark. The region included Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. Photo by Gary Holloway/DIGEST
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