Welcome students of Southern University to another installment of the G-Way. Every day as I walk around the yard and attempt to attend class, I happen to notice the way some people act that make me wonder:
I wonder why people wear football jerseys backwards (Didn’t that die out with Kris Kross?)
I wonder why I see all these fake platinum chains hanging around people’s necks (Honestly, do you think anyone believes that they are real?)
Sometimes I wonder what is the purpose of some of these campus organizations, such as Men’s Federation, Association of Women Students (AWS), and the Student Government Association (I know they are seen, but do they actually do anything?)
I wonder why I see the same group of girls sitting on the same couch everyday that I walk through the Union.
Speaking of the Union, I wonder why I see Baton Rouge natives in the Union dancing and acting like they are from New Orleans.
I wonder why it is taking over a year for residential housing to fix my leaking roof (Can I not have to worry about water falling on me?)
I wonder why the food service workers in the Union think they actually have an important job.
I wonder why seniors are still in Jones Hall.
I wonder what is the purpose of the “Look Dancers “(I see them practicing but I never see them performing.)
I wonder why was that dude dancing with the Gold & Blues at the last home game (Didn’t he know no one was looking at him? Okay, some were but they were laughing.)
I wonder why are the cafeteria workers in Mayberry and Dunn Hall so slow? (Especially the one who swipes the cards on Mondays, how hard can that job be?)
Who cares about class week? (I wonder why don’t they make enough t-shirts for everyone in the class.)
And finally, I wonder why does the Hip-Hop Nation even attempt to rap on the stage in front of the Union (Can’t they see no one is paying attention to them?)
These are just a few of the things that I wonder about everyday as I walk around this campus.
I wonder…
March 8, 2002
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