A newhabitat for the next Lacumba, Southern University’s official live mascot, isnow in the planning stages by SU officials.
TheLacumba Three Project, a fundraising effort to provide a new living space forthe new mascot, is comprised of 12 of Southern’s athletic booster groups, theSU Pan-Hellenic Council, alumni, the SU Student Government Association and othermembers of the Jaguar Nation.
Theprevious live mascot died of old age in December 2004.
“SouthernUniversity is planning to raise money to build a new habitat,” said Mayo Brew,a member of the Lacumba Three Project committee. “Last week we invited 25people to the project meeting in Chancellor (Edward) Jackson’s office.Twenty-four people showed up and the one that didn’t, had a representative.That’s 100 percent support to me. The interest is very high.”
There isconcern among the Jaguar Nation about the safety of the habitat the new jaguarwould reside.
“When thathabitat was built, it was good for that time,” Brew said. “I know over the past30 years Southern has learned about keeping a jaguar. The new one will belarger, of course.”
Themembers of the Lacumba Three Project have held a series of meetings to finalizeissues concerning Lacumba.
“We’remeeting to organize on how soon it will be built,” Brew said. “It will besomewhere in the vicinity of the stadium. That’s a good location.”
The formerhabitat was located on Harding Boulevard, in front of the campus tennis courts.
“ThePan-Hellenic Council will be collecting donations at the basketball gamesduring the month of February,” said Mary K. Sims, Pan-Hellenic Councilpresident. “On all of our Black History programs you will be able to givedonations. We will be having a party during Greek Week and the proceeds will befor Lacumba.”
Before thedeath of Lacumba, the junior class was already planning to raise money for anew habitat.
“The LacumbaThree Project is a campus-wide fundraising project,” said Justin McCorkle,co-chair of the project and junior class president. “It will be as large as theUnited Way project that many of us are familiar with.”
Among theactivities planned by the junior class are a fan day and gala.
Accordingto McCorkle, all organizations involved are looking to raise approximately halfof a million dollars, which is the anticipated cost for a new habitat.