The Southern University cross country team’s season has been anything but up and running because of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita.
The team’s meets were cancelled due to lack of transportation and hotel accommodations within the city and other states affected by the hurricanes.
The team will be hosting their Jaguar Invitational on Oct. 25 at A.W. Mumford Stadium. Participating schools will be Alcorn State and Jackson State, but hotel accommodations are still a problem.
“Well, they said if they can’t get hotel accommodations, they are going to run and go back,” said head coach Johnny Thomas.
The cross country team has had only two meets this season.
The team competed in the Northwestern Cross Country Invitational Monday in Natchitoches, at the Demon Hills Golf Course.
“I think they did pretty well and they made great improvements,” Thomas said. “They both took their time and did real well.”
The men cross country team competed in the 8,000-meter relay and placed seventh with 195 points.
Southern’s Anthony Lee finished in 29 minutes, 11.79 seconds.
The women’s team finished in the 6,000-meter relay with 172 points in sixth place.
Thomas’ top runner, Precious Collins finished the race in 26:39.12. Thomas said that Collins did very well and that he was satisfied with her performance
“I think it was major improvement from the first meet. It took a couple of weeks to make adjustments,” Collins said. “I’m proud of this team.”
SU cross-country season still looking promising
October 7, 2005
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