The SouthernUniversity Pan-Hellenic Council Judicial Committee rendered a verdict of “notguilty,” on Feb. 14, to the Beta Sigma chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.after hearing an alleged hazing case brought against the chapter by an SUstudent.
“I don’tnecessarily agree with the verdict of not guilty because there was overwhelmingevidence,” said Russell Frazier, Pan-Hellenic Council adviser. “The young man’stestimony, police reports, pictures and hospital reports…I don’t think he wouldhave done all that to bring that situation to light if it weren’t true.”
The committeewas presented with photographs of the accuser’s wounds, records of the allegedcomplaints and the police reports.
Though thecommittee rendered their decision, Robert Bennett, dean of Student Life,decided otherwise and issued a three-year suspension. During this time, theuniversity forbids members of the chapter to represent Omega Psi PhiFraternity, Inc. in any visible manner. They are currently appealing Bennett’s decision.
“They did notmake the correct decision with the information that they had,” Bennett said. “Ifeel that they made a decision because it was unpopular for them to go against.I had sufficient enough evidence to disagree.”
Frazier agreedwith Bennett’s decision.
“I think hemade the best decision with the information that was given,” Frazier said.
Mary K. Sims,president of the SU Pan-Hellenic Council, was one of the members who opposedBennett’s decision.
“I feel thatDean Bennett made a decision that not only affects Omega Psi Phi, but also theother organizations, on who judge us. For one person to have the power overnine Greek organizations is kind of scary,” Sims said. “If one person makes aclaim against our organization and he believes it, then he has the power topull our charters. Nowhere in the Code of Conduct does it say the dean ofstudent life has this power.”
The SU Code ofConduct, Part Five of the SU 2002-2004 Student Handbook, states “Although thedecision of the Office of Student Life is final, written appeals may be made tothe vice chancellor for student affairs within 48 hours of the office’sdecision. Additional appeals may be made, in succession, to SouthernUniversity-Baton Rouge’s Chancellor and to the Southern University SystemPresident. An appeal may ultimately be transmitted by the system President tothe Southern University Board of Supervisors.”
LynnDickerson, assistant vice chancellor for student affairs, who served as thechairperson for the Pan-Hellenic Council Judicial Committee, said she has nocomplaints.
“Mr. Bennetthas the last say. I have to agree with his decision.”