Deadline for Intramural Basketball
Registration forms must be in by 2pm on Tuesday,Feb. 1 in Clark Annex Room 228 or in the student union in Mr. Jamesoffice. For more information contact Coach Tanner or Coach Robinson at771.3212.
feb. 2
Big Brothers
Big Sisters
Is currently seeking volunteers to serve as Big Brothersand Big Sisters in school-based mentoring programs at Scotlandville areaschools. For more information call 225.774.7526.
Intramural Basketball Men & Women League
Pick up registration forms in Room 230 Satterwhite Hallor Clark Annex Room 228 or Mr. Jones office in the union.
Deadline: Jan. 28, 2005
Team meeting: Jan. 31, 2005
Blue & Gold Room in Union
5 p.m. — 6 p.m. For more information call 225.771.3212.
Rotary Club of Baton Rouge
Accepting applications
Scholarships cover international study for an academicyear at an institution chosen by the recipient student from July 1, 2006 toJune 30, 2007.
Deadline: Jan, 31, 2005
For more information contact Ghia Borel at 225.922.9940.
Parents, Family & Friends of Lesbians & Gays(PFLAG) Scholarships
Applications can be obtained by visiting the website, at the Lesbian and Gay Community Center at 2114 DecaturSt, or by writing to PFLAG-New Orleans, Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 15515,New Orleans.For more information call 504.895.3936.
Rotary Club Drive
The club aims to assist students in developingprofessional and leadership skills. For more information contact Yvonne G.Campbell at 225.771.2109.
Ronald E. McNair Baccalaureate Program
Provides juniors and seniors with the services they needto overcome barriers socioeconomic barriers that may prevent them from earninga doctorate. The program provides a paid summer research opportunity, graduateschool admission assistance, GRE preparation, professional conferences, researchcommunication skill enhancement, tutoring and much more. For more informationcontact Julie Harris in 208D Higgins Hall at 225.771.4249.
Mini MotorCycle Raffle
The Quarterback club is selling raffle tickets for a 2005turbo power mini motor cycle for the SU softball team for $1. See any ladyjaguar softball player or call 225.771.2176.
Human Resource Management
Southern University Society of Human Resources Managementis inviting anyone interesrested in being a participant to attend their meetingon Wednesday Feb. 2 in T.T. Allain Room 214. For more information call225.771.5640.
Mardi Gras King Cake Giveaway
King cakes will be given away in the Smith-Brown MemorialUnion lobby on Wednesday, Feb. 2, at noon.
Bible Study
Southern University Interdenominational GospelChoir Bible Study, Wednesdays from 6:45 – 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 7:30p.m. Wesley Foundation (across from football practice field)
feb. 10
Black Family Reunion
Auditions for hosts and participants for the Black FamilyReunion talent show will be held Feb. 10 and 11 in the Continental Room of theSmith-Brown Memorial Union from 5- 7 p.m.
Writing Proficiency Examination
Thursday, Feb. 10, Reporting Time: 3:15 p.m. Absolutelyno admittance after 3:45 p.m. Please report as follows:
A-E– Moore Hall Auditorium
F-L– T.T. Allain/RM 313
M-P– Lee Hall Auditorium
Q-Z– Stewart Hall Auditorium
All Students Must:
Bring photo ID and proof of registration that class isscheduled for the Writing Proficiency Examination.Bring three (3) sharpened #2pencils. Leave book bags and other materials with monitors.
feb. 11
by Love
The Beta Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.will be holding its annual Winter Formal Friday, Feb. 11, at the Palace, 4624Government Street, from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. See any member to purchasetickets. For more information contact Erin Johnson at 901.828.1423.
Pre-Law Day
The Southern University Law Center will host its annualpre-law day from 9a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday, February 11, in A. A. LenoirHall. For more information, call Andrea Love, 225.771.6297. or1.800.552.5106 (instate), 1.800.537.1135 (out-of-state).
Sessions for volunteer rape crisis counselors
The district attorney’s rape crisis center will beconducting evening training sessions for volunteer counselors beginningThursday, Feb. 17. Female crisis line counselors and hospital advocates areneeded. For more information contact Sandra Jordan or Valrey Ering at225.771.2480.
feb. 14
Valentines Day portraits
Portraits will be taken at Lover’s Lane located on the3rd floor of Blanks Hall, on February 14-16 from 10a.m. to 2p.m. For moreinformation call Kelli at 225.241.4250.
feb. 18
Up Til Dawn
Finale Event for all students who signed up toparticipate in the Up Til Dawn program is Feb. 18, 2005, 11 p.m.-3 a.m. Sign upin the SGA office to participate.
feb. 21
Student Health Services
Hepatitis B Vaccinations
Dose 2 will be given Monday Feb. 21– Friday, Feb. 25
Location: Student Health Center. Time: 10 a.m. – 2p.m. Does 3 will be given Monday, April 25 — Friday, April 29
Same as dose 2. For more information call 225.771.6225.
mar. 1
Calling All Sisters Together
CAST registration for the three-day summit withcollegiate women is scheduled for March 1-3, 2005
Applications available in the SGA office and all femaledormitories.
For more information call 225.771.5515.