The Beta AlphaChapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Inc. presented a night of excellence to 12distinguished women of the Southern University system in Stewart Hall-Lawlessauditorium on Thursday Feb. 10.
The event wasthemed, “Honoring African American Women of Excellence.”
According tosorority member Brandie Wiltz, the selection process was not at all bias, andthe decisions were made genuinely.
“We talked aboutwomen that had made an impact on our lives at SU,” Wiltz said. “We didn’t limitit to people that had degrees. We looked at everybody.”
All of the womenhonored were presented with a plaque.
Dr. Deborah L.Livingston Clark, an assistant professor of mathematics, was one of the 12ladies to receive a plaque that night.
“I feelhonored,” Livingston said. “I’m grateful to the lord that they saw something inme to honor me in this program.”
DeannaAllen-Roquemore, an assistant professor of computer science, said she wasoverwhelmed by the presentation.
“I’m glad thatthey did this,” Roquemore said. “I was pleased that I was actually honored.”
Amongstthe women honored, were employees of residential housing, John B. Cade Library,the cashiers office and other departments within the university.
JessicaMinor, a residential assistant in S.V. Totty Hall went to the program insupport of Totty Hall Houseparent Alma Brown who was also being honored thatnight.
“I thought itwas really nice. It was very organized. You felt like it wasn’t just a programand that what they were saying was coming from the heart; and they were reallyhonoring those women.”