Just in time for Valentines’ dayZane comes out with her latest book Afterburn.
In Afterburn, Zane, who has been stereotypedinto one kind of writing finally shows her versatility with plot twist, complexcharacters and an ending that will have the reader in tears.
Set in our nation’s capital, thereaders are introduced to Yardley Brown, a chiropractor who visits his localbank only to see the beautiful and single Rayne Waters.
Thinking Rayne is too attractiveto be alone, Yardley continues to visit the bank without letting on to his truemotives.
In a final act of desperation,Yardley asks Rayne out and opens up a “Pandora’s Box” of problems from pastloves and family members who sit at the sidelines and watches the relationshiplimbo.
Arjay is Rayne’s alcoholicmother whose witty comments and embarrassing antics make up for her lackingmotherly skills. A self-proclaimed”loose woman”,
Arjay makes no qualms about hernight life to friends and strangers alike.
Throughout the books, the readeris compelled to put themselves in the places of Rayne and Yardley, who has to dealwith the ever present ex-girlfriend Roixe, who cannot seem to take a hint thatthe relationship is over.
True to her erotica title, Zaneoffers sensual scenes that would make Nervous and Addicted scream to bere-written.
But again, the difference withthis novel is that Zane uses reality, and characters who are identifiable totell her tale of love, betrayal, commitment, temptation, and not wasting timefor the ones you love.
If Solitaire: Afterburn 2 is has half as well as Afterburn, 2005 will be the year ofZane.
Although the hardcover is 320pages long, you will be so engrossed in the story that not only will you notnotice time passing by, you will wish there were more pages.