As the clockstruck 12:01 a.m. Monday morning Student Government Association candidates,along with their respective campaign teams, began their journey on the campaigntrail. The energetic students, armed with tape dispensers and nails, postedflyers, billboards and other items to ensure a proper spot on campus for theirpromotional devices.
Tenille T.Terry, a candidate for Miss Southern said she has been doing a lot of prayingto prepare for the week. She credits the work of her campaign manager with thereality of her campaigning materials.
“I have anawesome campaign manager. She’s been doing a lot of stuff,” she said, “She tooka lot of pressure off of me. We’ve been ordering, soliciting, getting sponsors,just everything under the umbrella. You name it we’ve been doing it.”
Rodney F.Junior, candidate for SGA president said he has a committee to clean LakeKernan.
“We’re goingto be getting flyers out all day Wednesday, T-shirts and buttons out. Thingsthat pretty much match my face with my name,” he said. “A lot of people know meby Arjay, then other people know me by just my face.”
MelissaBrown, a candidate for Miss Senior said she is stressing the importance ofrunning a clean campaign with her campaign team.
“We’ve been makinga lot of stuff ourselves cause we’re trying to be different, and we’re givingout more than just candy but like I said the biggest thing is were trying torun a clean campaign,” she said.
Sharika L.King has been working diligently with her campaign committee.
“So far, tocampaign, I’ve been making sure that my campaign committee is together. Sothat’s my basic campaigning strategy, is to get the signs up as quickly aspossible,” she said.
Justin E.McCorkle, a candidate for SGA president has provided an e-mail address for anystudents who have questions or concerns for him.
“I can’tadequately reach every student on campus but I’m giving every student a chanceto reach me one on one. I won’t be trying to buy the votes of the student bodyI will be trying to get the student body to hear the movement,” he said. “I’mtrying to rally the students together so we can bring an effective change oncampus and in the community.”
Students canemail McCorkle at [email protected].
Makeysha S.Montgomery, a candidate for Miss Senior has been “hands on while working withher campaign.”
“I have beengetting my hands dirty, painting talking to people, and gathering up a campaignteam,” Montgomery said.
Alvin J.Woods III, a candidate for SGA president has been praying and meditating toprepare mentally for his campaign.
“It has beenspiritually strenuous and I have also been raising money to prepare for thiscampaign because it’s also fiscally strenuous. I’m having a lot of fun withit,” he said.
DeionDorsett, a candidate for SGA president said he has been researching a lot ofinformation on things that are important to the students.
“I’ve beenalso talking to the students on an individual basis on what things are reallyimportant to you just as a student not as whether or not you’re going to electsomebody but what are things that are important to you on a regular day-to-daybasis,” he said.
“What kindof things will actually help your day be a better day as a student here atSouthern University? I’ve been seeking and praying and talking to God andletting him guide my path. I truly believe if it’s for me, its’ for me and Godis going to bless me and I don’t believe I need to really run around and try tobribe anybody to elect me because if it’s in my future God is going to blessme.”