A letter that was written by 10-year old Patra Johnson, for the Lacumba III project, inspired Chancellor Jackson. - PHOTO BY JOHN OUBRE // SU PUBLICATIONS.
In a pressconference on Feb. 23, Southern University at Baton Rouge Chancellor EdwardJackson said that the cost for a new live mascot and its habitat would cost atleast $500,000.
“The habitatwill have a viewing area and will be a climate controlled facility,” Jacksonsaid. “It is one that is functional and one we definitely can afford. We arehappy with the design.”
A jungle gymfor visitors, along with a support building that will provide space for aveterinarian’s office, food storage and additional shelter for the jaguar, hasbeen included in the conceptual sketch. Jackson said that the completion dateof the building would depend on whether or not the financial goal has been met.
A new Web siteis currently being constructed to provide up-to-date information on thehabitat, listing a schedule of fundraising events planned. Proposed eventsinclude a talent show, concert, “fun day,” and radio appeal. Jackson said thatlive radio coverage of events would be provided on 1550 AM and the JaguarJournal, a statewide broadcast. He said there was also a possibility of theevents to be aired on local stations owned by the Citadel BroadcastingCorporation.
The newhabitat will be built on the existing site of the now abandoned habitat.According to campus architect Henry Thurman, the habitat will be approximately9,000 to 10,000 square feet and would take no more than five months to build.
“The mainconcern is the water line,” Thurman said. “It’s not like this is a big project.We just have the water line to worry about.”
Jackson saidthat it was the letter of 10-year old Baton Rouge resident Patra Johnson thatprovided the inspiration for the fundraising project known as Lacumba III.Johnson said that she and her friends would go and watch the former Lacumba playduring football games and other campus events. After the mascot died, sheplaced flowers and a wreath on the old habitat.
“I really likeSouthern University,” Johnson said. “When I would go to the games, I would gowith my friends to watch it climb on the rocks.”
In her letter,she not only addressed Jackson, but the “true Jaguar fans,” and asked if afundraising campaign could be held to help buy a new jaguar and build a newcage.
“Let’s cometogether as one Jaguar Nation and get a new jaguar,” she wrote.
Dr. RaymondDowns, SU vice chancellor for student affairs, said that he was currentlycontacting zoological parks throughout the country for input on what type ofjaguar would be feasible for the habitat. He said that in addition to the BatonRouge Zoo, he has talked to officials at the world renowned San Diego Zoo.
“We are tryingto find the best way in securing a quality animal,” Downs said.
After Johnsonasked if Southern would have another mascot by football season, Jackson saidthat he would do his “darnedest” to see it happen.
“If I can’tmake it,” he said. “I’ve got a few people to pitch in and pretend.”