Police atFlorida A&M University have issued a warrant for the arrest of an18-year-old man in connection with the Feb. 11 shooting of a FAMU student nearthe Student Services Center dining area.
Lt. LouisWichers said the suspect was identified hours after the incident, which leftGary L. Thomas with a gunshot wound in his left foot.
The warrantfor the arrest of James D. Platt was issued Feb. 14.
Wichers saidPlatt was wanted on three felony charges: aggravated battery with a firearm,discharging a firearm on school property; and possession of a firearm on schoolproperty, and a misdemeanor, improper exhibition of a dangerous weapon.
In an e-mail,Wichers said that “the shooting appears to have been [part of] an ongoingdispute between several individuals.”
Thomas couldnot be reached for comment.
The shootingstarted after a fight broke out in the Student Services Center duringlunchtime.
Witnessesreported seven or eight males beating up one person.
The fightescalated into the shooting, which sent Thomas to Tallahassee MemorialHospital, where he was released.
Platt isnot a student at the university.