Vibe. The Source.XXL. These are a few magazines that students on campus read.
From TheSouthern DIGEST to the JAGUAR yearbook,the Office of Student Media has provided students, faculty, alumni and friendspertinent information and entertainment. Now it wants to add a student-runmagazine to the list of media outlets.
Out the 200Southern University students surveyed, roughly 135 students (67.5 percent)voted yes to the idea of starting a student-run magazine.
The Office ofStudent Media asks SU students to allow a five-dollar increase each fall andspring semester in their full time undergraduates’ tuition for production. A$2.50 supplement is asked for the summer sessions. This won’t go into effect until the fall semester of 2006,if approved by the student body.
From the fivedollars, the Office of Student Media will produce 8,000 copies five times ayear. Other than the usual news, which The Southern DIGESTis responsible for, the magazine will focus on fashion, student life,entertainment, features, health and sports.
“Tuition goes upanyway,” said Antoine Mitchell, a senior fine arts major from Norwood. “The magazine is something different.Now we don’t just have a newspaper…I just hope we have more things from theculture section.”
During the StudentGovernment Association elections in 2002, students had to vote on whether ornot they wanted to add color to the newspaper.
In a 983 to 907vote, the students approved the referendum to include the publication of the DIGESTtwice a week and the addition of $5.50 to tuition and$2.50 more in the summer.
“The color enhancedthe newspaper,” said Rodrick Minor, a junior fine arts major from Woodville,Miss. “The articles were already good and people are drawn to color, so I thinkthe extra money was a good investment.”
The magazine hasalready received the verbal approval of SUBR Chancellor Edward Jackson.
“I think it’s amarvelous idea. I have a particular love for the arts and I’m going to supportit,” he said. The studentswill be able to decide on April 11, along with the SGA elections, on whether ornot there will be a student run magazine.
“A school magazinewould be a helpful tool ensuring that all students are informed on all campusactivities,” said SU Freshmen Class President Reuben Griffin.
With a student-runmagazine, students who wanted to write but weren’t comfortable with a newspapersetting will now get the opportunity to showcase their talent.