For morethan 40-years Southern University has enjoyed the warm smile and presence ofJessie Lumbard.
She hasattended SU worked in the registrar’s office and many other facilities oncampus, but she is known most for her time spent as the Navy ROTC secretary.
“She is oursecretary. When she leaves we can get a new secretary, we can’t get a new Mrs.Lumbard. She brings sanity to our lives,” said Officer Canidate JeniferBouzigard who has known her for two-years.
Lumbard hasleft a lasting impression on everyone she meets and most of them come back tosee her.
“If it wasn’tfor her I don’t think they would come back to the ROTC unit,” Bouzigard said.
Lumbardenjoys all of the students she comes in contact with.
“I love allthe students. I call them my sons and daughters,” she said.
Unlike mostpeople she gives everyone she meets something to take back with them.
“She is oneof the most helpful people. I remember when I first met her she said, ‘I don’tgive handshakes I give hugs,'” said Supply Clerk First Class Mary Hurst.
Members ofAlpha Kappa Alpha Inc. also awarded her for her years of service.
“All thesepeople have been my friends since I first came here and they are still myfriends and I love each and every one of them,” Lumbard said.
A host offamily, friends and colleagues showed her jaguar love and appreciation at herfarewell luncheon Feb. 28.