The knowledgeof Southern University and area high school students was tested Feb. 17 at the11th Annual Black History Quiz Bowl.
The contest ofwits, hosted by the SU College of Agricultural and Consumer Sciences, focusedon facts about black figures in American history.
Agriculturalscience professor Owusu Bandele, founder and moderator of the event, waspleased with the student participation.
“In the 11years that I’ve been the moderator,” Bandele said, “this is the largest turnoutever.” He said that he introducedthe quiz bowl to students in 1994 in an effort to educate students about blackculture.
Each of theeight rounds consisted of 25 questions.
The teams,comprised of four to five members from campus departments and high schoolstudents, battled for questions ranging from black history to the Grammy’s.
“Although welost to the animal science team, I think we did an excellent job,” said PharrenWilliams, a freshman agricultural economics major from Thibodaux. “I hope Dr.Bandele continues to have the quiz bowl.”
In the finalround, Team SU Honda went against the Apparel Merchandising and Textile team.In an intense match ending 150 to 45, SU Honda won.
“This quizbowl was awesome. I think more students should attend…this is their blackhistory,” said SU Honda member Michael Johnson, a senior mechanical engineeringmajor from Brooklyn, N.Y.
Other SU Hondamembers included Jeremy Beadle, Micheal Johnson, Rashad Jackson and BrittaniWare.
“We hope thatsome of the knowledge that was said today sticks with them,” Bandele said.”That’s what history is all about.”