Mentally,physically and spiritually Calling All Sisters Together created an evolution bybringing women from Southern University, Louisiana State University and BatonRouge Community College together.
“It is veryrefreshing to see students come together from different universities,” saidCAST Coordinator Enitra Jones.
CAST was athree day summit March 1-3, that concentrated on Mental Evolution: Exploringthe Mind (March 1), Physical Evolution: Survival of the Fittest (March 2) andSpiritual Evolution: We have come thus far by faith (March 3).
MentallyCAST prepared women to correctlyapproach stressful situations.
Accordingto Dr. Derrick Brooks an emergency room physician who co-hosted the MentalEvolution, stress is not an illness it is just a sense of being.
“In today’sworld black women are more in the stressful realm of life than anyone else,”Brooks said. “Stress is something that needs to be relived and you should takeactions to relieved them.”
Dr. IvoryToldson, author of “Black Sheep”and Southern University professor demonstrated how to release the mind of dailytensions.
“Just likewe clear out a room, we have to clear out our mind,” Toldson said. “Our mindscan get cluttered and sometimes you have to clear out your mind to make goodjudgment.”
Accordingto Toldson the best way to clear you mind is to begin each day as if it wasyour first.
“Start eachday anew. Think about the new possibilities,” he said. “People that think aboutthat day are a lot happier and have a much better life. ”
Toldsonwent through deep breathing exercises, ways to stretch to release tension and amind relaxation demonstration.
“Clear outeverything that is impeding your visibility,” Toldson said.
Wednesday,March 2 CAST physically approached becoming a healthier person.
Openlyeveryone in attendance discussed one part of their body they liked anddisliked. They showed that good can out-way the bad and wrote both body partson a sheet of paper and then shredded and discarded the body part disliked.Everyone kept the sheet with the body part they liked on it and wrote the bodypart they disliked on the back to show they can be equal.
“You aresupposed to love every single thing that’s on your body,” said Sharika King,CAST committee member.
Kingconducted a 15-minute aerobics workout that consisted of crunches, squats,jumping jacks and stretches.
ThursdayMarch 3, CAST opened their souls and connected spiritually.
There was apanel discussion about the spiritual part of life.
Calling AllSisters Together brought together various women from many different sectorsunder one common characteristic; they were women.
“You neverknow who will benefit you,” Jones said. “It is important for you to loosen upand know the person next to you. There is no reason why you shouldn’t know theperson next to you.”
Keri Harrisa senior political science major from Southfield, Mich. said CAST left alasting impression on her.
“It is goodto see black women come together and unite with no drama just peace,” Harrissaid.