Flying offthe success of the former group B2K (Boys of 2000), Omarion Grandberry, makeshis solo debut on his album, O.
Omarion,who led B2K in songs such as “Why I Love You” and “Bump, Bump, Bump”, is doingit again on O. O is aptlytitled for the “overtime” he puts into his female fans.
B2K has wona Soul Train Music Award for Best R&B/Soul Single and Group/Band or Duo andalso Black Entertainment Television View’s Choice Award two years in a row.They produced a hit movie and soundtrack “You Got Served.”
In atelephone interview on March 1, Omarion let his fans know he isn’t a kidanymore.
“It feelsgood, it’s in a sense of me going out on my own and guiding my destiny.” Thesplit, which happened in the spring of 2004, came after the release of thegroup’s movie and album You Got Served.
Specificdetails were never stated about the group’s sudden division, but former memberscited creative differences such as, money owed to them and special treatmenttowards certain members as the reason for their departure.
Omarion,who first stared in commercials for McDonalds’, didn’t catch the singing buguntil he joined the members of B2K.
But itwasn’t until the age of 13 when Omarion took his talent seriously. “I was inacting and singing classes since I was five,” he said. “I always knew in my heart I was goingto do this.”
With hisalbum rising on the Billboard’s Hot R&B Singles and Tracks ranking in atNo.13 and Pop 100 Single at the No. 82 spot, Omarion wants his fans to know”this album is for you.”
He isestatic at the response he is receiving as a solo singer.
“I’ve beengetting nothing but love,” Omarion said. ”It’s a beautiful thing to receive such ratings.”
The soloalbum includes five songs written by Omarion and has only one guest appearanceby OutKast’s Big Boi.
“I thinkit’s important to be involved in the production of the album,” Omarion said.”It gives you the opportunity to express yourself.”
The recordofficially hit stores Feb. 22.
The triplethreat actor, singer, dancer can now add published author to his résumé, hisautobiography, O (MTV Books), hit bookshelveslast month.
The128-page book includes mainly pictures from the singer’s life. “Some people ask how can you do a bookabout yourself when you’re only 20 years old,” Omarion said. “Thing is, whenyou’ve been in the business since you were a teenager, you’ve experienced more.You’re mature and have so many responsibilities.”
The bookcovers information on his life, likes and dislikes, movie roles and a behindthe scenes look at his life with B2K and their consequent breakup. Although thebreakup was bitter, Omarion is still speaking to his former members.
“I spoke toRaz-B (De’Mario Monte Thornton) about two weeks ago at church. We saw each other at church, we gaveeach other pound and he congratulated me.” As a tribute to his former members,Omarion wrote a song entitled “Growing Pains” to them.
Omarionacknowledged his mother as the person who helped him reach his goals. “I don’tthink she knows how much moving from Inglewood, Calif., saved my life. It ithadn’t been for her, I might not have survived.”
In thefollowing year, fans will be able to see Omarion on the big screen.
He hassigned a two-picture deal with Paramount Pictures.